Thursday, February 18, 2016

Celebriducks: CEO Metrics

Celebriducks is a company that is located in California. They are in the rubber duck industry and make rubber ducks in the form of celebrities, athletes, bikers, movie characters, and other animals. If you want a pig rubber duck, say no more. Celebriducks has you covered. If their diverse lineup of rubber ducks isn’t satisfying enough, Celebriducks also allows customers to custom order their own design of rubber ducks. This is incredibly handy and useful as corporations that realize there is a need to have rubber ducks dawning their apparel can do so via custom order at Celebriducks.
Birthday party? Celebriducks.
Bar mitzvah? Celebriducks.
Piano recital? Celebriducks.
The possibility of rubber duck filled moments in life is truly endless now that the world has Celebriducks. According to their website, they were voted as one of the top 100 gifts by entertainment weekly. See below for this glowing review from their website:

The CEO of Celebriducks certainly has a big role to fill. The demand for such a hot and customizable commodity is as vast as a duck pond and as deep as a duck can dive. Take a gander at some of these metrics below and you’ll see what I mean:
·         Individual vs corporate sales
·         Custom vs stock sales
·         Sales broken up by geographic location(city, state, country, etc)
·         Ducks made in America vs made by international vendor
·         Success of medical & food grade vs non-medical & non-food grade
·         Special events vs holidays to analyze peak times

This is a corporate custom order duck that is marketed heavily by the country of origin and state of purchase.

In order to keep from appearing to be a lame duck, the CEO of Celebriducks could very well take these metrics in addition to others into consideration. While dabbling with the idea of new produckts, the company will probably look into well it will perform well on a corporate or individual level. By further breaking up the individual customer types into certain demographics, they can see which product types are bought by which individuals the most often.

Additionally, Celebriducks is probably very keen on which types of ducks sell the best. By creating a produckt line with very diverse purchasing options, Celebriduck can hope to have in stock options for most customers but also don’t want to tie up all of their capital in one off type of rubber ducks. That being said, the CEO can look at which type of ducks are starting to trend at any given time and if he sees that one produckt is receiving more and more custom orders, can keep it as a normal stock item.

This is a good example of a custom duck that was made in a limited run but there has since been a surge in demand. Though custom now, the duck may end up in the stock sale item pond.

Custom vs in stock sales is definitely a metric to dabble with, but by breaking the produckts into more refined categories, Celebriducks can further dive into their customer pond and find out where sales are trending. For example, if there is a demand for ducks that are made in the USA vs outsourced, they may want to track that as a metric since their website has a specific ‘Made in USA’ sales category. Finally, the material type could very well play a significant role in the customer’s purchase decision. When ordering a duck to go in a hospital or child’s room, they customer will probably acquire a duck that is medical and food grade so any children that put the duck in their mouth won’t be poisoned.

Since these metrics all have to do with the sale of the ducks in question, a transaction fact table will suffice and be adequate to run analysis on the select metrics. Granted, the CEO could very well be interested in stock levels and underutilized inventory space, but for this assignment I am assuming that the sales and inventory managers are interested on which products need to be more heavily stocked and the CEO is concerned with which customers are buying which types of produckts.

See below for a possible dimensional model which would allow the CEO of Celebriducks to analyze the metrics stated above:

In conclusion, Celebriducks could very well benefit from an in depth analysis of customer and sales item type as well as when they see sales trends as far as holidays and special events. If you're looking for a great time and a gift to quack someone up, a Celebriduck is the perfect gift idea for you.

All information and images from

***Disclaimer: This blog is a graded assignment and is not an actual product review or business recommendation*** 

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